About yerba mate イェルバマテについて
マテ茶は南米アルゼンチン、ウルグアイ、パラグアイの亜熱帯地域で生息するilex paraguariensisという植物です。南米の亜熱帯気候地域で生息し、イェルバマテ茶は100%自然な生産慣行で栽培されます。アルゼンチン国内のミシオネス州では湿潤亜熱帯で樹木が繁茂し、収穫前に高さ約40-50フィートに成長すると生産用に丁寧、慎重に厳選された葉だけを収穫し、各ブランドの製造方法によってイェルバマテ茶が製造されていきます
yerba mate is produced in South America, subtropical areas of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Cultivates the tree with production practices that are one hundred percent natural. Within Argentina, the plant is cultivated in the Misiones Province, where trees thrive in the region's humid, subtropical climate, growing to approximately 40-50 feet tall before being harvested.
yerba mate is produced in South America, subtropical areas of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Cultivates the tree with production practices that are one hundred percent natural. Within Argentina, the plant is cultivated in the Misiones Province, where trees thrive in the region's humid, subtropical climate, growing to approximately 40-50 feet tall before being harvested.